Friday 6 December 2013

It’s little sad; this is my last English post on this blog. I have to say this blog is my first blog on my life, and even when it’s for a class I enjoy with it. I know I don’t do it anymore, because I’m so lazy, so…I don’t write of my life for myself. I like this English semester, because I learned little things that I don’t know or I remembered rulers that I forgotten, also I promised, I will remember  the better use of “to” and auxiliary verbs…I hope.

I must study more vocabulary! I know that, if I pass my final test I will study more words, and its times.  Although I’m better when I read in English…I understand all very well, when I speak in english I forget a lot of words, or rulers…I speak like Tarzan, it’s annoying!  English helps me when I want to read new chapter of mangas, because (like every time) chapter is translate first in english, it’s the same when I talk of anime chapters, when an anime like me so, so, so much I can’t wait for spanish translate!

Outside the English class I really use this idiom, well…like I wrote above, when I read mangas or watch a good anime chapter, and I can’t wait I use English. Also I have some international friends (really they are only three persons), and they don’t know anything of spanish I must talk them on english.

Friday 22 November 2013

Hi everyone, today I must talk about good or bad things that have happened in my life. I really have a bad memory, I don’t remember so much the things that I lived last year, for this I will talk about this year, I must recognize…this year has been so hard, difficult, and really sad. Why? Well, my partner of all my life, my little dog (Wendy) turned 19 years old, and her body became so weak. Slowly she can’t stand by herself, it was so sad. Finally, on August 30 she died. Even today I don’t feel good, I miss her so much. Sometimes I dream about her, but when I wake up, and I know that it was a dream I feel so lonely. I know, I must accept this, but it’s hard, I mean all my life I stay with her and now I can’t see her. It’s so weird.

But not everything is bad, my father got a new job, and he is so happy with this one, when he is happy all the family is happy too (when he is not happy…he screams a lot, and gets angry, so…now he is a lovely person).

I want to do a lot of things, but I’m so lazy …and I prefer to sleep on my bed. Anyway! I want to do a lot of cosplays, draw a lot too, and end my projects, specially my storyboard, make videos, and the thing that I want to do the most is to go to the beach, play with sand and sea.

[Step 9] Good things

Posted by Unknown
Friday 15 November 2013

Today I must talk about money.  Personally, for me…I don’t care about money, I like to do things with my friends…like picnics, talk, watch anime at home, something like those. But I must accept that money helps me when I have to buy materials for university or my wigs, circle lens and fabric for my cosplays. I spend a lot of money on both things (even when cosplay isn’t a “professional” thing, it is my hobby and so important to me, I can’t leave it so easily. Some people don’t understand what it is for me, but I don’t care, I enjoy with cosplay), really, all my money disappears when I have works, in painting, drawing, casting (those on this year), and when I must buy wigs. But it’s fine, money is to be spent, right?

I’m so good  at managing my budget, because I spend money only for university and cosplay, sometimes for an ice cream, or to watch a movie, but nothing else. If a month I don’t have works or cosplay I save my money for another month. But now I’m poor, my salary isn’t enough for November and its necessities.

If I were a millionaire…I would buy a big place for abandoned pets, or donate a lot of money for ecologic organization, I think. My only desire is to live in a solitary place, live from the earth…so I don’t need to be a millionaire.

It’s a problematic question…because I don’t have so many thing to pawn…My wigs? Maybe.

[Step 8] Money

Posted by Unknown
Friday 8 November 2013

I don't know so much about environment friendly practices, even I love natural world, if you ask me, I don’t know the reason. Maybe it is because at the school I never learned this stuff (only the normal practices, like sort out trash, or not use cars when I’m going to near places. Stuff like this). Right now, I’m collecting batteries in a bottle with earth, batteries are so toxic, and people just throw them away. I learn it on the TV show, I think…long time ago.

 At my house we don’t have a car, because my parents are…a little…hysterical, when they are co-pilot they scream to other car and get angry. And because my big brother and me don’t like cars, It’s a good point to us, right? So, we only use public transport. When I use bus in pick hour I would have a car...

 This summer I work for an eco-organization and animals support corporation. It was so funny and I made a lot of good memories, for time I must leave them, but even now I see them, and help them through internet (on facebook, tumblr, etc). Summer come back soon!

 This society is so communal, if you don’t reprimand them, they don’t do anything. We need to have more self initiative, and think a little more how we can take care of our planet.

[Step 7] How green are you?

Posted by Unknown

Hello!    Long time no see. Today I must talk about Election Day. If you ask me, I'm not going to vote in the next presidential election. Why? Well it’s easy, because I don’t believe in this “democracy”, we don’t have a real voice in their decision, we only choose a guy, with different way of thinking. On the other hand, I don’t believe that the politicians earn millions of pesos (when other civil servants must live with a hundred and twenty thousand pesos) their jobs are, supposedly, a public profession, I mean they watch over us, our necessity, or not? Why must they live with so much comfort? When a lot of people break their back for a piece of bread? Also, electoral posters are really annoying…I can’t see anything with these objects! My beautiful parks are full of them! I hate it.

I would never consider to became a politician, I don’t like their “atmosphere” It’s just a little, ok no, a lot…corrupted. I try to be an honest person, and I don’t like lying, or trick people.  So, no I will never be a politician. Have you watched their fights on TV? They are ridiculous.

I don’t know, maybe the politicians must do more things and talk less.

[Step 6] Election Day

Posted by Unknown
Friday 25 October 2013

Today I must to talk about an article from The Guardian, I choose “Man up: European art and the male nude” of Jonathan Jones. This article speaks about two exhibitions this autumn that shows draws of naked men body (Wallace Collection's The Male Nude, and Masculine/Masculine: The Nude Man in Art from 1800 to the Present Day, also this article talk about a third collection Tate Britain’s Art Under Attack, but only for a reference of a pagan idol, naked, on a stained). Also we can read about the story of how beauty is naked men body, it’s European art tradition. In ancient Greek painters and sculptors thinks that “Male beauty was a bit of heaven on earth, to be apprehended by a truly philosophical love”, they appreciated this beauty through art, studied male bodies, buttocks, biceps, backs, etc.

This Greek love of male body rebirth for Italian artist in the 15th century, a example for this is Michelangelo, who drew male nudes (well, it was because he desired men in a sexual way). The European artist immortalized Greek men, like “Leonidas at Thermopylae” of J-L David.

Maybe this article was a little excessive about the “love between two men” or “how beauty is male body”, but it was so poetic and interesting, I really want to see this exhibition.

Friday 18 October 2013

Anyone who knows me will know that my favorite band (not japanese band) is Mägo de Oz, spain folk metal band (this style is derived from Metal, of course, but also bass, battery and guitar, they have violin, clarinet, bagpipes, accordion, etc. on their musical instrument repertoire) I really love their music…I a little celtic, a little metal, a little rock…I don’t know, I love them. Also the lyrics of their songs always reach me. My favorite song ever is “La costa del silencio”, a beautiful song about our planet and how we hurt it, but in the chorus you can see that there is still hope, its said something like this:
Come, I wanna hear your voice
And if there´s some love left
Let´s keep this from dying
Come becauase inside you there´s the solution
To save whatever beauty is left”
My favorite part is:
“Let´s make a revolution
Take as leader the sun
And as our army butterflies
As a flag another sunrise
and for conquer understanding
that we have to change swords for roses”

It’s pretty good, right? I fell in love with this band for this song, and “Satania”. Although, now, the song I hear most is “Quiero morirme en tí”, it’s a sad song for someone who lost his more important person. In my case, my little dog (she was like my sister).

[Step 4] My favorite band

Posted by Unknown

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